
 Continuum @ cybernatian is a continuation of the blog post that lasted on word press for a considerable time  and was interrupted for a while. Though hibernation is species specific and most blogs are immune to the web weather caused hibernation,  this one wasn't endowed with the immunity and was forced to stay under the radar until the weather clears. 
 In an attempt to be true to what I had then,  and to remind the readers of the blog,  I had decided to continue in the traditions of the blog that was interrupted , but this time only in may be a little more mature and more wiser mode if nothing else , and called it Continuum @ cybernatian. 
As we all mature and get better in time, I too would like to say I have been burned and cured by time  to a better wisdom and greater tensile and ductile strength perhaps to come up with a broader and far reaching blog points and discussions.
 As stated above time nurtures and matures its creatures as it continues in the ever forward continuum, in the same continuum and maturity did I find some thing that I had failed to recognize that nature had as well engineered a decline and finality and terminally in all it had helped be. Upward mobility is up to a point and a time then decline too is part of the process that we had to injure after a point and time. that had been a late cognition and understanding I had to share it too and for all to be aware .it shall too will come.

Ayele Teklemariam



I take your opinion on its merits and in context, no more and no less. Note!! that I know you not, but what you write and say.

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